When His Eyes Opened (Avery and Elliott) - Chapter 1130

Chapter 1130


Chapter 1130

Shea could not wait any longer. Her illness was progressing, rapidly. If they failed to find a matching kidney and Shea’s condition continued to worsen, Avery could not imagine how horrifying the consequences would be, which was why she had to find Adrian, no matter the cost. 

If Henry and Cole did not want to play nice, then there was no need for her to worry over morals. 

“Is Adrian using a phone?” “Yes. I will send you his number later.” “Sure. Judging from the look on your face, this is serious!” Mike exclaimed. “It’s a wonder that you manage to keep this from Elliot. What a great actress you are!” 

“Stop being sarcastic. It’s not like you don’t know Elliot’s temper. His injuries from when he fought Nathan still haven’t healed yet.” 

“You are just afraid of seeing him feature in the headlines again!” Mike could not help but grin. “Chad said he had never felt so embarrassed before.” 

“Yeah. Telling him won’t help with the situation, so I might as well figure it out myself.” She picked up the glass to take a sip of milk. “If I tell him, things might spin out of control.” 

“You can tell me, though!” Mike batted his blue eyes, dying to know what Avery was talking about. 

Avery glanced at him. “You are about to move out, aren’t you? I’m worried that you will get too excited and run your mouth without me around.” 

“Tsk! Fine! I will find out soon enough.” 

“I will tell you right away once this is properly handled.” Avery removed the shell on another egg and passed it to him. “Take your time with breakfast. I will send the number to you right away. Don’t mention this to anyone. Once you find out where he is, tell me immediately.” “Alright. Go help me pack!” 

“Sure! You don’t have to take all your belongings, though. You can come back to stay the night from time to time! Even if you don’t like kids, wouldn’t you miss them?” Avery said, “I’ll reserve that room for you.” 

“Avery, you treat me best after all. That jerk Elliot-” hissed Mike but immediately stopped when Elliot suddenly made an appearance. Elliot walked over BVPcK>IJ held Avery’s hand. “Let’s take Robert out to sunbathe!” Elliot glared coldly at Mike, before dragging Avery outside. 

“How dare Mike ask Avery to pack for him? Dream on! Avery is not a maid! Who is he to ask her to pack?” thought Elliot. 

“Mike’s already agreed to move out, why are you still so upset?” Avery accepted the bag with Robert’s belongings from Mrs. Cooper. Elliot placed Robert into his stroller. “He just asked you to pack for him. Who does he think he 

is? Who does he think you are?” “He has helped me a lot! He even helped take care of our kids! So what if I help him pack? Don’t be so ridiculous!” Avery took his arm in hers and strolled alongside him. “You are my wife. You can only pack for me and the kids.” “Alright, I won’t pack for him.” Avery forced a smile and checked the bruises on his face. “I think it will take a few more days for these to heal.” His injuries had turned from a deep green to a bright yellow. The colors would soon fade, and his skin would return to normal. “These don’t hurt anymore.” “But they affect how you look.” She bent down to take a face mask and put it on him. “This way, you won’t have to worry about being mocked by others.” “Will my son be able to recognize me with a mask on?” he asked worriedly. “Probably not! When Layla was a little over a year old, she kissed me goodbye in the morning, and when I went home with a new haircut that same night, she didn’t want me anymore and burst out crying,” Avery said while chuckling, “Kids are fun.” “Then I’m not wearing it.” He took the mask off. “You’re not afraid of being mocked?” “How others view me is not my concern.”

